收回16楼回复中"建筑软件主要是对GPU compute需求,一般看软件和显卡对OpenCL这项的需求"这句回答...不是OpenCL而是OpenGL,基础不扎实,面壁ing....
直接贴原文: (
Some graphics cards are designed primarily for games and don't fully support the OpenGL standard. Other graphics cards are designed to support only more simple graphics (this can be the case with the graphics capabilities in some notebooks and budget computers). Cards like these may not support 3D programs like SketchUp very well.
如果学校上网方便, 随便找台旧笔记本用, 然后租用亚马逊的在线主机,每小时大概4-8元, 优点是用了才付钱没有前期大量投资, 而且不能玩游戏; 缺点是使用复杂, 需要连国外网络可能会慢.
参考: (搜索"G2'部分)
http://aws.amazon.com/cn/ec2/instance-types/ http://aws.amazon.com/cn/ec2/pricing/