Introducing Nest

2015-06-08 01:26:22 +08:00

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Nest is a library which makes Foundation and Swift works more seamlessly and offers some great missing helpers, utilities in Foundation.

How to Get Started

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This class comes out of an answer I wrote on Stack Overflow: Intercept Objective-C delegate messages within a subclass. But as the original code was written in Objective-C and Swift's code-level-safety makes it become impossible that assign an object of any type to a pointer, I rewrote it in Swift and added some additional code to make it work in Swift now.


NSProtocolInterceptor is an object which masquerade itself as the protocol type(s) which you assigned at the initialization time, and intercepts message to the middle man if it could respond which originally intended to send to the receiver.



Intercept messages within a subclass

class MyScrollView: UIScrollView, UIScrollViewDelegate {
    let delegateInterceptor: NSProtocolInterceptor

    func scrollViewDidScroll(scrollView: UIScrollView) {
        if self.delegate?.respondsToSelector("scrollViewDidScroll:") == true {

    required init(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
        delegateInterceptor = NSProtocolInterceptor(aProtocol: UIScrollViewDelegate.self)
        super.init(coder: aDecoder)
        delegateInterceptor.middleMan = self
        super.delegate = delegateInterceptor as? UIScrollViewDelegate

    override init(frame: CGRect) {
        delegateInterceptor = NSProtocolInterceptor(aProtocol: UIScrollViewDelegate.self)
        super.init(frame: frame)
        delegateInterceptor.middleMan = self
        super.delegate = delegateInterceptor as? UIScrollViewDelegate

For UIKit bridging header claims UIScrollView's delegate property as unowned(unsafe) and doesn't mark UIScrollViewDelegate up as a class only protocol, we cannot override the delegate property in Swift for now. So let's override it in Objective-C.

@import UIKit;

#import "ProductModuleName-Swift.h"

@interface MyScrollView (OverrideDelegate)
@import Nest;

#import "MyScrollView+OverrideDelegate.h"

@implementation MyScrollView (OverrideDelegate)
- (id <UIScrollViewDelegate>)delegate {
    return (id <UIScrollViewDelegate>)self.delegateInterceptor.receiver;

- (void)setDelegate:(id <UIScrollViewDelegate>)delegate {
    super.delegate = nil;
    self.delegateInterceptor.receiver = delegate;
    super.delegate = (id <UIScrollViewDelegate>)self.delegateInterceptor;

NSReuseCenter & NSReusable


Reusing is an usual way to optimize a program's performance. This class it designed for making reusing simpler.


NSReuseCenter offers an enqueue and dequeue mechanism for objects conform to the NSReusable protocol.



let theReuseCenter = NSReuseCenter<AParticularReusable>()

Enqueue an unused object


Dequeue a reusable object for a particular reuse identifier


Query all reusable objects for a particular reuse identifier


Collection Functions


There might be a situation you had encountered before where you wanted to find an NSObjectProtocol conformed object in a protocol-constrained collection and Swift didn't suppose your NSObjectProtocol conformed object implements the Equatable protocol which made you unable to use the find function in Swift standard library. These collection of functions assume that any NSObjectProtocol conformed object has a clear understand on isEqual: function and use that function to evaluate equality between objects.


Runtime Functions


Conformity of NSDate to Comparable


I made NSDate conforms to Comparable to get avoid of comparing two NSDate objects by using its compare: function.


let now = NSDate()
let tenSecondsBefore = now.dateByAddingTimeInterval(-10)

if now > tenSecondsBefore {
    println("Now is later than ten seconds before")

Search All Occurrence for Given String in NSString


Search all occurrence for given string in an NSString without using regular expression.


Search string in the whole string with the current locale

let aString = "This is a string"
let aStringInNSString = aString as NSString

let occurrences = aStringInNSString.rangesOfString("s", options: NSStringCompareOptions.CaseInsensitiveSearch, range: nil, locale: nil)



let anNSRange = NSRangeMake(location: 0, length: 10)

NSError Initialization Conveniences for Using CoreData


Combine two errors

let anError = NSError(error: anError, anotherError: anOtherError)

Combine an error in a pointer with another error

let anError = NSError(errorPointer:anErrorPointer, secondError: secondError)

Combine an array of errors

let anError = NSError(errors: errors)


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