Don't use Google App Engine if your planned app will use datastore

2011-11-08 22:45:26 +08:00
* Pricing is extremely high now if you got decent traffic and almost cannot be optimized due your site's dynamic nature.

* Average latency could be greater than 100 ms, if you have several queries on one page, latency could go up to 500 or even 1000 ms.

* In order to max out memcache, you need to transform your design mindset: memcache will be the 1st class citizen in your app design, that means you need to put extra efforts to plan usage of memcache, yes a lot of extra efforts.

* Remember: it can't really help you on traffic spike unless you have set a high enough daily budget, so you may get 503 errors before you can serve traffic spike.

* Remember: in a start-up world means you need to worry about present, not future. Present is about how fast you can change and implement new features.

Way to go:
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所在节点    Google App Engine
21 条回复
2011-11-10 17:40:43 +08:00
@Platinum 我现在用的就是aws的simpledb。简单好用。不让我操太多心,而且sdk完备是我所看中的。价格勉强还算能接受。不算贵,但也不算廉价。

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