8 Major Features and Changes Updated to Bootstrap 3 Framework

2015-08-21 17:37:04 +08:00
Bootstrap framework continues to get new additions to each version of it being released. On its version 3.0, mobile first design philosophy has been adopted. This free and open source framework has many advantages to its credit. Development of dynamic websites, web applications can be carried out with ease. Every single bootstrap development company acknowledges the fact that this front end framework offers responsive features, consistent design, browser compatibility, and so on.

It is a common knowledge that it contains HTML and CSS-based design templates for components such as Typography, Buttons, Tables, Forms, etc. Turning the spotlight on 3.0 version will tell us about the changes that are made and the features that are added. Considering the changing user needs and web trends, this version has been rewritten and redesigned.

8 major features and changes updated to Bootstrap 3.0

Mobile first approach

It forms the core factor in the third version. The advantage with this update is that your site is always responsive by default. Responsive CSS isn't separate henceforth, and each responsive feature is now incorporated into the main file. However, it is also possible to turn off this feature in case you do not require an adaptive application or website. This can be done just by adding extra CSS.

New powerful grid system

Grid system has got significant changes to it. No longer are fluid grid system, layout and container separate. They are now put together into one grid. Here on, it will be one responsive, mobile first and fluid grid system which would scale up to 12 columns when the viewport size or device size increases. Furthermore, Phones, Tablets, Desktops and large desktops are the grid classes tiers which enable creating adaptive and complex layouts easily.

List group: a new component

Complex series of components can be created using list group. List group is best for email inboxes or a list of options implementations. It is not just for simple lists of elements for which List groups are flexible, but even for complex elements having custom content.

Panel: a new component

Putting content in box could be done in a simple way with Panel with heading as optional. Panels can have header or footer. And for success and warning, danger and info, contextual state classes are available.

Navbar and Modals get a facelift

With rearrangeable sub components, the navigation bar will now be responsive always. Also, it is henceforth mobile first. Modals, the JavaScript popup, is very responsive. Rather than having a max-height, it now possible for you to have entire viewport scrolled.

Extended documentation

A great amount of documentation has been added to components. Is that all? No. Documentation has been even added for browser support, licence FAQs, third party support and accessibility. A section about bootstrap customization is also added. Documentation for disabling responsiveness is also added.

Source link: http://agriyaservices.blogspot.in/2015/08/8-major-features-and-changes-updated-to.html
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