
2015-08-22 00:11:50 +08:00
4753 次点击
所在节点    德国
16 条回复
2016-03-01 10:47:25 +08:00
你好,请问您的邮箱是 i@cxbig.info 么?
2016-03-01 14:00:55 +08:00
@tyrealgray 可以用这个
2016-03-01 14:13:29 +08:00
@cxbig 我是那个给你邮箱发邮件的,想请教点问题: P
2016-07-13 10:42:48 +08:00
@cxbig 柏林那边 python 行情怎么样啊?
2016-07-13 15:58:17 +08:00
@tjxiter 柏林目前对各种程序员都有大量需求,薪资起点比国内高一些。具体情况要看你做什么行业,门槛不一。
2016-07-13 17:24:02 +08:00
@cxbig APP 后台开发啊
2016-09-19 14:10:57 +08:00
@cxbig 请问怎样才能跟你私聊一下呀?给消息里的那个 i@cxbig.info 邮箱发了邮件,但没有回音....
2016-09-19 17:42:39 +08:00
@numbshony 今天收到一封邮件,不知道是不是你发的,已回复。
2018-03-31 12:16:33 +08:00
2018-04-06 18:25:37 +08:00
@cysean 一切安好
2019-04-19 21:25:54 +08:00
@cxbig @tyrealgray 大神 我向德国投简历投了半个月了,一个面试也没收到,你能把你的 linkedin 简历地址发给我参考一下你的简历吗
2019-04-22 15:34:43 +08:00
@majiabin88 大哥,linkedin 你随便找个你人脉里的老外小哥的简历看一看也行啊,就几行字写个公司名而已啊
2019-05-08 00:09:15 +08:00
- LinkedIn 裏有 timeline,翻翻人家的簡歷參考一下;
- 另外,在你的簡述中寫上“有意去歐洲發展”;
- 別忘記打開“ Open to opportunities"選項。
2019-08-15 00:51:36 +08:00
@cxbig 感谢回复,这个平台有问题现在才看到
2019-08-15 00:53:57 +08:00
@cxbig 最近也收到了几个猎头的电话,现在辞职在家准备德国的面试,想问下楼主德国这边的面试是 leetcode 算法题为主吗,还是像国内一样考基础知识?我是前端
2019-08-15 01:44:56 +08:00
@tyrealgray 今天收到了一个柏林的面试
Let me give you info on the technical task.
After we speak, you will be required to do technical test in order to proceed to next stage.
Use react or vue to build a page which is connected to some of the company public APIs that are showing:
• List of songs (paginated) with thumb nail and play/pause button
• Each row should have 2 options which are to like a song and to comment a song
• Each request should return success or failure status
 Build the site in whatever UI / UX you feel is appropriate and that showcases your skills in building modern websites. Animations, transitions etc. are not mandatory but definitely a plus.

Full-time/12 months contract with possibility to become permanent/On-site in Berlin
The business is a startup located in Berlin, that launched a successful Music Maker app on both Android and iOS, also with ventures in social-music platforms, and music-related AI.
The key product development will be building, maintaining and managing existing browser platforms, as well as creating entirely new web applications from scratch that integrate their two core mobile products. Your input will result in a selection of high-performing web portals that serve customers, as well as tools designed so that the team can deliver the best products possible.
They are now looking for a Full-stack Developer with a minimum of 3 years experience. The role will involve front-end development heavily utilizing Javascript, React and Vue.
In terms of the interview process:
1. Technical test for the weekend (Using React or Vue)
2. Skype interview with the team lead - Skype
3. Personality test - online
4. Team interview - Skype
Standard hiring process for software development roles in Berlin. As the competition is really strong at the moment for this role, they are looking to assess the candidates to the best of their abilities with a comprehensive first stage technical task.
Chance for you to impact massively their major product - an innovative AI creation service for mobile use. Working directly with the Chief Product Officer !

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