搬瓦工能不能暂停服务(保留 credit 留到以后再用)

2015-08-30 21:59:00 +08:00
Sorry for the dumb question ,好像没找到类似的选项。。。貌似像 DO 这样只要把所有的 droplets 都删掉就可以不扣钱了。。。

搬瓦工速度一般般,想说换个 linode 或者 DO ,然后先停掉留着备用。
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3 条回复
2015-08-31 10:18:13 +08:00
没有吧,他家都是年付的, 30 天内退款。话说他家的够便宜,只要不是特别高配置的,没必要去折腾?

Cancellations and Refunds

Customer may cancel the service at any time from their control panel. We do not impose any restrictions on cancellations. A full refund will be provided upon request if service is cancelled within the first 30 days of activation. We can only refund one service per customer account. Refunds are not provided for services that were suspended due to Terms of Service violation (s ).

To request a refund, please submit a ticket to our Billing department and it will be processed within 2 business days.
2015-08-31 11:02:35 +08:00

比如我的 BuyVM 就是:
Available Credit Balance: You have a credit balance of $70.53 USD and this will be automatically applied to any new invoices
2015-08-31 11:03:49 +08:00
你可以先开 ticket 问问,就说现在删除机器后能否把剩余的钱存进 account credit 里。

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