haiyang416 @
freefcw @
lijinma @
solupro 首先是返回这个对象的方法。
* Fetches all rows.
* @
param string|array $where OPTIONAL An SQL WHERE clause
* @
param string|array $order OPTIONAL An SQL ORDER clause.
* @
param int $count OPTIONAL An SQL LIMIT count.
* @
param int $offset OPTIONAL An SQL LIMIT offset.
* @
return APP_Db_Table_Rowset_Abstract object
public function fetchAll ($where = null, $order = null, $count = null, $offset = null )
$table = $this->_schema . '.' . $this->_db->quoteIdentifier ($this->_name );
$select = "SELECT * FROM $table";
// if ($where !== null )
if ($where !== null && !empty ($where ))
$select .= ' WHERE ' . $this->_where ($where );
if ($order !== null && !empty ($order ))
$select .= ' ORDER BY ' . $this->_order ($order );
if ($count !== null || $offset !== null )
$select = $select . $this->_db->limit ($count, $offset );
// $select = $this->_db->limit ($select, $count, $offset );
$data = $this->_fetch ($select );
require_once 'APP/Loader.php';
APP_Loader::loadClass ($this->_rowsetClass );
return new $this->_rowsetClass ($data );
然后是包含进来的 APP/Loader.php
* @
category APP
* @
package APP_Loader
* @
version $Id: Loader.php v1.0 2009-2-25 0:08:04 tomsui $
class APP_Loader
* Load a class
* Load a APP class file. If the class already exists in memory, return
* directly.
* @
static * @
param string $class String name of the class to load.
* @
param array $config OPTIONAL; an array with adapter parameters.
* @
return void
* @
throws APP_Exception
public static function loadClass ($class )
if (class_exists ($class, false ) || interface_exists ($class, false )) {
$file = str_replace ('_', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $class ) . '.php';
self::_securityCheck ($file );
require ($file ) ;
* Autoload switch
* if switch opens, APP class can be used without loading previously
* @
static * @
param boolean $use to set wheather Autoload switcher in use or not.
* @
return void
public static function Autoload ($use = true )
if ($use ){
spl_autoload_register (array ('APP_Loader', 'loadClass'));
spl_autoload_unregister (array ('APP_Loader', 'loadClass'));
* Security Check
* File name of APP classs can just contain alpha,digits,backslash (/),
* slash (\),underline (_),period (.) and dash (-). If contains other irregular
* charactor, an APP_Exception is thrown.
* @
static * @
param boolean $filename the filename string to be check.
* @
return void
* @
throws APP_Exception
protected static function _securityCheck ($filename )
if (preg_match ('/[^a-z0-9\\/\\\\_.-]/i', $filename )) {
require_once 'APP/Exception.php';
throw new APP_Exception ('Security check: Illegal character in filename');