Django-syntax like template-engine for Go: pongo

2015-09-04 01:48:23 +08:00


<html><head><title>Our admins and users</title></head>
{# This is a short example to give you a quick overview of pongo2's syntax. #}

{% macro user_details (user, is_admin=false ) %}
    <div class="user_item">
        <!-- Let's indicate a user's good karma -->
        <h2 {% if (user.karma >= 40 ) || (user.karma > calc_avg_karma (userlist )+5 ) %}
            class="karma-good"{% endif %}>

            <!-- This will call user.String () automatically if available: -->
            {{ user }}

        <!-- Will print a human-readable time duration like "3 weeks ago" -->
        <p>This user registered {{ user.register_date|naturaltime }}.</p>

        <!-- Let's allow the users to write down their biography using markdown;
             we will only show the first 15 words as a preview -->
        <p>The user's biography:</p>
        <p>{{ user.biography|markdown|truncatewords_html:15 }}
            <a href="/user/{{ }}/">read more</a></p>

        {% if is_admin %}<p>This user is an admin!</p>{% endif %}
{% endmacro %}

    <!-- Make use of the macro defined above to avoid repetitive HTML code
         since we want to use the same code for admins AND members -->

    <h1>Our admins</h1>
    {% for admin in adminlist %}
        {{ user_details (admin, true ) }}
    {% endfor %}

    <h1>Our members</h1>
    {% for user in userlist %}
        {{ user_details (user ) }}
    {% endfor %}
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