写了一份 Racket/Emacs 的入门配置指南

2015-09-07 14:19:13 +08:00
这个学期在做 Dan Friedman 先生的课程助教。上课需要用到 Racket ,所以我写了一份简单的 Emacs 配置指南;如果你想使用 racket-mode 又还没用过 Emacs ,这份文档可能是不错的起点。如有疏漏还请不吝 Issue 和 PR :)



### `init.el` 中包含的内容如下:
- Automatic package installation, including:
- `racket-mode` for all the greatness.
- We rebind the `racket-run` command to `meta-enter` (`option-enter`). This is basically equivalent with DrRacket's `Run` button. If you don't like the keybinding, just modify it in `init.el`.
- `helm` cuz nobody can memorize all the emacs functions.
- `company` for auto completion.
- `rainbow-delimiters` so we won't need to get LASIK.
- `paredit` is included but disabled by default.
- We highly recommend activating paredit for Scheme/Racket/Lisp modes, but we understand that it could take a while to get used to it.
- Please read http://danmidwood.com/content/2014/11/21/animated-paredit.html first; when you are ready, change the line `(setq paredit-enabled nil )` to `(setq paredit-enabled t )` in `init.el` to activate paredit.
- Fixes
- All the temporary files will be placed under `~/.emacs.d/bkup` so you won't see annoying `bla~` files in your working folder again.
- The Mac `option` key becomes `meta`.
- Perserve some OS X default system shortcuts in Emacs. To name a few:
- `Command-a` = "Select All"
- `Command-x` = "Cut", `Command-c` = "Copy", and `Command-v` = "Paste"
- `Command-s` = "Save"
- `Command-z` = "Undo"
- `recentf-mode`: use `C-x C-r` to access a list of recently edited files.
- Emacs grabs the `$PATH` variable from your shell.
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所在节点    Lisp
1 条回复
2015-12-08 04:41:37 +08:00
王垠 的师弟? :)

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