area51.stackexchange.com 里的一个有关 suicide 的 proposal。看到它的第一眼,我很惊讶:这也可以,这也不删…… 于是就干脆 follow 了这个 proposal。
这是昨天的事情,刚刚收到封来自 SE 的邮件。
By now you've probably seen that the proposal on Area 51 titled "Suicide" has been deleted. The proposal was closed by users and moderators, then deleted by Stack Exchange staff when word of the proposal got around to us. It's not something that's appropriate for, or sustainable on, the SE network.
But I wanted to reach out personally and check in with you and the other people following the proposal. I take the issue of suicide very seriously, as does Stack Exchange as a company. It wouldn't have been right for us to just delete the proposal and move on without checking in. We understand that some academics and professionals who research suicide might find a Stack Exchange site useful. However, if you or someone you know needs help, please remember that there are tons of resources out there from which you or they can get help, or where you or they can just find someone to talk to. The Lifeline Shanghai helpline telephone number is (021) 6279-8990.
Lifeline Shanghai
Suite 303B Shanghai Centre
1376 Nanjing Road, West
Helpline 1: (021) 6279-8990
www.lifelineshanghai.com I encourage you to reach out to them, or to pass the number along if you think someone you know is in danger.
Laura Dobrzynski
Community Developer
Stack Exchange, Inc.
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