刚好这月 20 多号去美国免税州出差,在巨大差价的诱惑下今天官网预约了三台 S 版 iphone 6s/plus.一台自用,另两台帮带。预约过程很顺利,然而在自取 ID for iPhone purches 里发现悲剧了,我应该属于场景二:
Scenario Two: Your current address does not appear on your primary ID or does not match what your carrier has on file.
Choose One Primary ID
Choose One Secondary ID
Driver's license
State-issued ID
Military ID
Utility bill from the last 90 days with the customer ’ s name as it appears on the primary ID, and the billing address listed for the primary account holder.
请问下这种情况下还有希望买到吗?如果不能预约,发售当天去排队可以买吗?我自己的买不到还好,有一台是给一个很心动的妹子带的,她的三星盖世四在跟男朋友吵架的时候差点摔碎,已 20 天就余,我之前答应过她,实在不想爽约。求教。。
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