红帽软件诚招 Software Engineer - Certification Development

2015-09-16 10:20:20 +08:00

简历发送至: lshi@redhat.com 注明应聘职位

Job Summary

The Red Hat Certification Workflow Engine team is looking for a Software Engineer in Beijing, China. In this role, you will work on developing the user interface and back end of the public-facing and private-facing certification catalog sites used by customers, vendors, and internal Red Hat staff across the globe. You'll work alongside an international team of certification reviewers, certification test suite engineers, quality assurance engineers, engineering operations associates, and fellow catalog engineers.

Primary Job Responsibilities

Develop the user interface and back end of the certification catalog sites

Deliver on near-term deadlines while incrementally working toward longer-range vision

Play an active part in meetings with the product manager

Work autonomously on module design and implementation

Support and make suggestions to developers and work with the Quality Engineering team

Required Skills

Bachelor's degree in a technical field; an engineering or computer science background is preferred

2+ years of experience in web application development

Expertise in HTML, JavaScript, CSS, Ajax, JQuery, and other front-end development technologies

Proficiency in one of following script languages: Perl, Ruby, Python, or PHP

Experience with Nodejs, Memcached, RESTful APIs, and distributed web application development is a significant advantage

Knowledge of MySQL or other open source database is preferred

Familiarity with development tools like Git, Gerrit, Jenkins, or Eclipse is a plus

Experience with the Linux or UNIX platform is preferred

Excellent written and verbal communication skills

Creative, motivated, and capable of working independently and as part of a globally distributed team

Prior participation and active community member in open source software projects is a significant advantage

1761 次点击
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1 条回复
2015-09-16 14:51:33 +08:00

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