10 月 9 日 Meteor Global Hackathon.

2015-09-30 15:51:53 +08:00
AgoraSpace  AgoraSpace

Meteor Global Hackathon 2015
Event Introduction
Meteor Meetup groups from around the world will be participating in a global hackathon. Whether you're an experienced Meteor developer or just looking to get started, we hope you can join us. It will be a great chance to work with fellow Meteorites, share awesome apps, and communicate with other meetup groups about Meteor.

The goal is to get together, form small teams of 1 to 4 people, and start coding for 24 hours.

If you want your app to be judged by MDG (Meteor Development Group) and entered to win prizes, you'll have to register on the announcement page before October 2.

Note: this Shanghai chapter of the Hackathon will start on October 9th, and end on October 10th in the evening (we had to adjust the time due to event space availability).

Friday, October 9, 2015 7:00 PM to Saturday, October 10, 2015, 7:00 PM

Agora Space International Coworking, 1199 Panyu Road, Building 3, Unit 101. 上海市徐汇区番禺路 1199 弄 3 号 101 室, Shanghai

RSVP on Meetup: http://www.meetup.com/Meteor-Shanghai/events/225670916/

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