LastPass Joins LogMeIn / LastPass 被 LogMeIn 收购

2015-10-10 10:24:39 +08:00
“ It ’ s a big day here at LastPass. We ’ re thrilled to announce that we ’ re joining LogMeIn. As one of the world ’ s leading SaaS companies, we can ’ t imagine a better team to align with our values and product-driven mission. ”

以前用过 Hamachi ,对 LogMeIn 没有太多接触,但是看起来评论里的外国人们好像都很不喜欢他们,基本都在说要换一家,不知道各位 V 友们对这家公司什么印象?

AgileBits "趁火打劫" ←_←,之前看到 29.9$的活动没买,后来就恢复了原价 49.9$ ,今天看到那些评论突然想去看看 1P 的价格, Mac / Win 全部变成了 29.9$ 促销
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2015-10-10 10:29:37 +08:00

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