AppAnnie 诚邀 高级后台开发工程师( Web Back-end Engineer) 一个细分领域世界第一的外企

2015-10-25 13:23:39 +08:00
APP Annie

APP 数据分析领域内全球第一!
一半同事是老外,真正 8 小时工作制~

后台高级工程师( Web Back-end Engineer )

You should be a strong engineer with significant experience in back-­end system design, profiling and optimization (database / software design). You ’ ve worked at companies before at a management level and therefore know what it takes to lead, manage, mentor and train.
·3+ years computer development experience, or less experience if exceptional skills combined with a Computer Science degree
·Good communication skills with management experience
·Great mentor to junior and mid level engineers
·Passionate about and good understanding of development methodologies such as XP, Scrum and RUP
·Strong knowledge of Linux
·Good working knowledge of at least 2 of the following topics:
·Web development framework: Python/Django or others (ASP.NET, PHP, Ruby on Rails, etc.)
·DB development: Postgresql or other server database
·Browser technologies: HTML/CSS/Javascript/jQuery
·Data mining: statistics packages (“ R ”, SPSS, SAS, Matlab, Mathematica), data visualization (“ Tableau ”) and analytics databases (Vertica, Sybase IQ, etc.)
·High performance computing: in-­memory database, cloud computing, caching optimization techniques, cluster management, etc
·You must be a great problem solver, with the ability to dive deeply into complex problems and emerge with clear and pragmatic solutions
·Good English spoken and written skills. You will need to be able to work with Western managers in a bilingual environment.

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