APP Annie 诚邀 应用运维开发高级工程师( DevOps Engineer) App 大数据领域世界范围内第一名

2015-11-10 10:58:43 +08:00
地点:北京市 朝阳区 三里屯 SOHO
职位:应用运维开发高级工程师( DevOps Engineer )

APP 数据分析领域内全球第一!
一半同事是老外,真正 8 小时工作制~

• Building and maintaining a world-class systems infrastructure delivering high reliability and the best performance possible.
• Ensuring cost-effective service delivery by automating critical processes, including server deployment, configuration, monitoring, and problem resolution.
• Ensuring systems are secure and compliant with industry best practices.
• Performing quick and accurate troubleshooting, diagnostic to production system.
• Managing and tuning RDBMS and NoSQL DB servers including postgresql, mongodb and hbase.
• Assisting with capacity planning and scalability to ensure systems are optimized for continuous growth.
• Designing and implementing system automation architecture, infrastructure, and process using tools such as Salt, Puppet or Chef.
• Working very closely with Engineering team ensuring new products and features meet Operational requirements.
• Establishing a metrics-driven approach to tracking and continuously improving service quality and risk mitigation in every sense.
• Providing occasional off-shift availability for Production issues or maintenance.

You should have a good experience in the system operation related field and be ready to take the responsibility of managing this important part of App Annie.
• 3+ years experience in network and system engineering position.
• Strong skills with Linux system (ubuntu, debian) administration including nginx/apache/haproxy.
• Good DB operation experience on PSQL scripting, Postgres replication or Load Balancing is big plus.
• Good Experience in large scale Hadoop cluster (HDFS, Mapreduce) operation/tuning/monitoring is a big plus.
• Hands on experience in configuration management tool like (salt,chef,puppet).
• Hands on experience on nagios,munin and other open source monitoring solutions.
• Hands on experience in AWS cloud service (EC2, SQS, S3).
• Strong RDBMS operation experiences (PostgreSQL, Mysql). Scale-out solution like database partiti

1788 次点击
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3 条回复
2015-11-10 11:43:04 +08:00
2015-11-10 15:12:27 +08:00
@tongle 母鸡啊~时好时坏的,国内嘛~
2015-11-12 13:17:16 +08:00
@tongle 有些慢,你再试试~

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