今天突然发现在 vultr 的 vps 被停掉了,一看是要验证账户,不然就关闭服务。仔细看下要求,不仅需要身份证明,还要信用卡信息(类型必须在 amex , discover , visa , mastercard 中四选一),但是我是用 paypal 绑定银联卡支付的呀,请问这怎么办呢?不验证就封号。。。 1. A copy of your government issued photo ID - driver's license, passport, etc. (Please use a camera phone or digital camera to take a photograph) 2. A partial image of the card used to fund the account to ensure the provided identity matches the name printed on the card. For your protection, please cover all but the last 4 digits of the card. (Please use a camera phone or digital camera to take a photograph) 3. This completed form.