Minix 3 发布 (←竟然还存活

2015-11-29 06:11:02 +08:00

History of MINIX 3

- Linus Torvalds 基于它写的 Linux.

MINIX has a long history. It goes back to 1987 when the first edition of the book Operating Systems: Design and Implementation by Andrew S. Tanenbaum was published. The first version of MINIX was intended for teaching and it became very popular very quickly. One of the early users was a Finnish student, Linus Torvalds, who learned all about operating systems from reading the book and modifying the system. Eventually he went on to write his own operating system, Linux. In 2004, a man named Ken Brown accused Torvalds of copying MINIX verbatim, but that was quickly refuted in a statement published 20 May 2004 by Andrew Tanenbaum.
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所在节点    Linux
22 条回复
2015-11-30 12:03:45 +08:00
@iscraft 微软的是 xenix
2015-12-08 16:48:46 +08:00
《 Just for Fun 》中的情节好象是 Linus 觉得学校里的 Minix 超级难用,而且不支持新出的 CPU 保护模式功能,所以想重写一个 Minix ,越写越觉得恶心,起初发邮件给 Minix 的开发者咨询技术细节,后来作为一個天生的喷子的他终于与 Minix 开发者大骂了一架,于是推倒之前的代码,用自己的思想写了一個系统内核,也就是后来的 Linux Kernel 的原型。
Minix 是微内核结构, Linux 是大内核结构,不过现在的发展开来貌似也不那么分明了。

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