The Steam Link is a decent product that does more than people realize. On the surface it allows you to connect your PC to your TV over a wireless connection. It then connects to your TV via HDMI. Honestly there are other items that can do this and some of them go far beyond steam.
Valve recommends that you use one of their controllers or connect some hardware via the USB ports on this unit. That is where some people walk away from this product. First - there are people who really don't like the Steam controller. Second - why would I want to connect a wired product to this? The whole point is to connect your PC without wires.
Here is what Steam does not tell you:
1 - Most wireless keyboard / mouse units work just fine with the Link. 2 - Most bluetooth hardware works with the Link.
What does that mean?
Most of your wireless hardware will work with the Link, including...the PS4 controller.
Yes if you want to use a great controller that does not need dongle, you can get the PS4 controller up and running. To do it, use another wired or dongle item to navigate the Link menus to the Bluetooth options. Kick on the pairing. Hold the "Share" button on your PS4 controller until it shows up on your Link. Pick it on the Link. Done!
It works great. The only real functionality loss is the rumble feature. If that's a big deal then you might want to try a different solution.
Overall the Link does more than Valve lets on. You can use far more than Steam hardware or wired hardware with it.
很多人主机在房间,电视在客厅, hdmi 得拉好长的线,而且光拉 hdmi 不够还得拉键盘手柄用的 usb ,这么长的 hdmi 和 usb 要保证延迟也不便宜,还要考虑走线,所以对有的人来说拉 hdmi 根本不现实。其实 link 最大的问题在于一般人都多少有一台闲置的廉价机器、笔记本,可以专门放客厅来做家庭流传输,毕竟 link 本质就是家庭流传输,如果你家里一台多余的机器都没有或者电视比较多, link 很合适,否则就显得有点多余了。至于现在流传输的质量,对于绝大多数沙发玩的游戏来说,绰绰有余了,前提你主机性能要够,毕竟流传输都用 lan ,网络完全不是问题。
@myang 对,所以我就放弃台式 PC 了,装修时候没有考虑到布线问题,连网线都没有,现在的解决方案就是把台式机扔了,找电信的师傅把光纤线沿着墙角一路拖到客厅的电视柜,光猫直接放在电视柜里,无线路由器放在电视机下方,结果就是现在家里所有的设备,除了在电视机下方的 apple tv 和 ps4 外,其它设备全走 5G 网络,我觉得这个 link 小盒子不错,但前提是你得部署好千兆网线。。。。