验证 E-mail 地址有效性是用什么原理?

2015-12-13 11:01:52 +08:00
Devin  Devin
比如说这样的网站 http://www.verifyemailaddress.org/
106121 次点击
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10 条回复
2015-12-13 11:08:42 +08:00
用 163 邮箱试了一下
The Email Address Syntax is correct
Connecting to 163mx01.mxmail.netease.com worked

MX record found: 163mx01.mxmail.netease.com (Priority 10)
MX record found: 163mx03.mxmail.netease.com (Priority 10)
MX record found: 163mx02.mxmail.netease.com (Priority 10)
MX record found: 163mx00.mxmail.netease.com (Priority 50)
Connecting to 163mx01.mxmail.netease.com
Connected to 163mx01.mxmail.netease.com
Dialog with 163mx01.mxmail.netease.com ok
220 163.com Anti-spam GT for Coremail System (163com[20141201])
HELO verifyemailaddress.org
250 OK MAIL FROM: <noreply@verifyemailaddress.org>
250 Mail OK RCPT TO: <myemail@163.com>
250 Mail OK QUIT 221 Bye
Email address myemail@163.com accepted

2015-12-13 13:06:18 +08:00
@qiayue 意思就是只进行客户端和服务端的协商,但不进行内容发送对吧
2015-12-13 16:22:19 +08:00
@Devin 就是实际投递一条消息,但是在说出邮件内容之前就断开连接。
2015-12-13 16:36:48 +08:00
The Email Address Syntax is correct
Connecting to mxbiz1.qq.com worked
We feel that xxxxx@utbhost.com is valid

MX record found: mxbiz1.qq.com (Priority 5)
MX record found: mxbiz2.qq.com (Priority 10)
Connecting to mxbiz1.qq.com
Connected to mxbiz1.qq.com
Dialog with mxbiz1.qq.com ok
220 bizmx3.qq.com MX QQ Mail Server
HELO verifyemailaddress.org
250 bizmx3.qq.com
MAIL FROM: <noreply@verifyemailaddress.org>
250 Ok
RCPT TO: <xxxxx@utbhost.com>
250 OK
221 Bye.
Email address xxxxx@utbhost.com accepted

- See more at: http://www.verifyemailaddress.org/#result

The Email Address Syntax is correct
Connecting to kr1-aspmx1.worksmobile.com worked
We feel that xxxxx@utb.cc is valid

MX record found: kr1-aspmx1.worksmobile.com (Priority 10)
MX record found: kr1-aspmx2.worksmobile.com (Priority 20)
Connecting to kr1-aspmx1.worksmobile.com
Connected to kr1-aspmx1.worksmobile.com
Dialog with kr1-aspmx1.worksmobile.com ok
220 mx.worksmobile.com ESMTP Dar1WwJwS+eHiomQE23hMg - nsmtp
HELO verifyemailaddress.org
250 mx.worksmobile.com Pleased to meet you
MAIL FROM: <noreply@verifyemailaddress.org>
250 2.1.0 OK Dar1WwJwS+eHiomQE23hMg - nsmtp
RCPT TO: <xxxxx@utb.cc>
250 2.1.5 OK Dar1WwJwS+eHiomQE23hMg - nsmtp
221 2.0.0 Closing connection Dar1WwJwS+eHiomQE23hMg - nsmtp
Email address xxxxx@utb.cc accepted

- See more at: http://www.verifyemailaddress.org/#result

The Email Address Syntax is correct
Connecting to in1-smtp.messagingengine.com worked
We feel that xxxxx@utb.host is valid
View Email Owner
MX record found: in1-smtp.messagingengine.com (Priority 10)
MX record found: in2-smtp.messagingengine.com (Priority 20)
Connecting to in1-smtp.messagingengine.com
Connected to in1-smtp.messagingengine.com
Dialog with in1-smtp.messagingengine.com ok
220 mx2.messagingengine.com ESMTP . No UCE permitted.
HELO verifyemailaddress.org
250 mx2.messagingengine.com
MAIL FROM: <noreply@verifyemailaddress.org>
250 2.1.0 Ok
RCPT TO: <xxxxx@utb.host>
250 2.1.5 Ok
221 2.0.0 Bye
Email address xxxxx@utb.host accepted

- See more at: http://www.verifyemailaddress.org/#result

原理大致就是这样,通过 SMTP 连接对方服务器罢了
另外,国内也有个模仿版,同盾邮霸 http://youba.labs.fraudmetrix.cn/
2015-12-13 17:35:22 +08:00
2015-12-13 18:04:41 +08:00

MX record found: mg.tsmc.com (Priority 10)
Connecting to mg.tsmc.com
Connected to mg.tsmc.com
Dialog with mg.tsmc.com ok
220 z08fvironport1.tsmc.com.tw ESMTP
HELO verifyemailaddress.org

MTK ,也是自建,还挂了一台服务器
MX record found: mailgw02.mediatek.com (Priority 10)
MX record found: mailgw01.mediatek.com (Priority 10)
Connecting to mailgw02.mediatek.com
Connected to mailgw02.mediatek.com
Dialog with mailgw02.mediatek.com failed
Connecting to mailgw01.mediatek.com
Connected to mailgw01.mediatek.com
Dialog with mailgw01.mediatek.com ok
220 Cellopoint E-mail Firewall v3.9.12 Build 0813 ready

MX record found: gatewayhorse2.qualcomm.com (Priority 10)
MX record found: gatewayhorse1.qualcomm.com (Priority 10)
MX record found: gatewaypony02.qualcomm.com (Priority 10)
MX record found: gatewaypony01.qualcomm.com (Priority 10)
Connecting to gatewayhorse2.qualcomm.com
Connected to gatewayhorse2.qualcomm.com
Dialog with gatewayhorse2.qualcomm.com ok
220-gatewayhorse2.qualcomm.com ESMTP
220 QUALCOMM does not authorize the use of its computers or computer networks to deliver unsolicited electronic mail advertisements.

中兴,用的 Websense 的产品
MX record found: mx5.zte.com.cn (Priority 10)
MX record found: mx6.zte.com.cn (Priority 10)
Connecting to mx5.zte.com.cn
Connected to mx5.zte.com.cn
Dialog with mx5.zte.com.cn ok
220 220 OK***************
HELO verifyemailaddress.org
250 Websense Email Security Gateway

MX record found: mx1.huawei.com (Priority 10)
MX record found: mx2.huawei.com (Priority 15)
MX record found: mx4.huawei.com (Priority 20)
MX record found: mx3.huawei.com (Priority 20)
Connecting to mx1.huawei.com
Connected to mx1.huawei.com
Dialog with mx1.huawei.com ok
220 Huawei Message Service is ready.
HELO verifyemailaddress.org
250 Websense email protection service

中联重科,用的 263 的邮件服务
MX record found: mxw.263.net (Priority 5)
MX record found: mx.263.net (Priority 10)
Connecting to mxw.263.net
Connected to mxw.263.net
Dialog with mxw.263.net ok
220 Welcome to TAP gateway for 263
HELO verifyemailaddress.org
250 263.net
MAIL FROM: <noreply@verifyemailaddress.org>
250 Ok
RCPT TO: <service@zoomlion.com>

中信银行,趋势科技 IMSVA
MX record found: email1.citicbank.com (Priority 10)
Connecting to email1.citicbank.com
Connected to email1.citicbank.com
Dialog with email1.citicbank.com ok

兴业银行, McAfee Email Gateway EG5500
MX record found: smtp.cib.com.cn (Priority 10)
MX record found: smtp1.cib.com.cn (Priority 15)
Connecting to smtp.cib.com.cn
Connected to smtp.cib.com.cn
Dialog with smtp.cib.com.cn ok
220 mailgw1.cib.com.cn EG5500/SMTP Ready.

MX record found: smtpnmp.bankcomm.com (Priority 10)
MX record found: smtp.bankcomm.com (Priority 20)
Connecting to smtpnmp.bankcomm.com
Connected to smtpnmp.bankcomm.com
Dialog with smtpnmp.bankcomm.com ok
220 bankcomm.com Anti-spam GT for Coremail System (bankcomm[20151012])

MX record found: mail.pbc.gov.cn (Priority 5)
Connecting to mail.pbc.gov.cn
Connected to mail.pbc.gov.cn
Dialog with mail.pbc.gov.cn failed
220 pbc.gov.cn Anti-spam GT for Coremail System (mtdemo-pbc[20151210])

中投公司 /中央汇金,梭子鱼网关
MX record found: mxtele-a.huijin-inv.cn (Priority 50)
MX record found: mxctc-a.huijin-inv.cn (Priority 50)
MX record found: mail.huijin-inv.cn (Priority 100)
MX record found: mxctc.huijin-inv.cn (Priority 100)
Connecting to mxtele-a.huijin-inv.cn
Connected to mxtele-a.huijin-inv.cn
Dialog with mxtele-a.huijin-inv.cn ok
220 barr
HELO verifyemailaddress.org
250 barracuda.china-inv.cn Hello

中国国航, McAfee Email Gateway EG4500
MX record found: mailx.airchina.com.cn (Priority 10)
Connecting to mailx.airchina.com.cn
Connected to mailx.airchina.com.cn
Dialog with mailx.airchina.com.cn ok
220 mailx.airchina.com EG4500/SMTP Ready.

南方航空, McAfee Email Gateway EG5500
View Email Owner
MX record found: smtp1.cs-air.com (Priority 10)
Connecting to smtp1.cs-air.com
Connected to smtp1.cs-air.com
Dialog with smtp1.cs-air.com ok
220 eg1.csair.com EG5500/SMTP Ready.

春秋航空, MDaemon
MX record found: mail1.air-spring.com (Priority 5)
Connecting to mail1.air-spring.com
Connected to mail1.air-spring.com
Dialog with mail1.air-spring.com failed
220 china-sss.com ESMTP MDaemon 9.6.3; Sun, 13 Dec 2015 17:38:53 +0800

MX record found: hzmx01.mxmail.netease.com (Priority 5)
MX record found: hzmx02.mxmail.netease.com (Priority 10)
Connecting to hzmx01.mxmail.netease.com
Connected to hzmx01.mxmail.netease.com
Dialog with hzmx01.mxmail.netease.com ok
220 hzqiyemx.proxy.163.com ESMTP ready
HELO verifyemailaddress.org
250 hzqiyemx.proxy.163.com

京东,趋势科技 IMSVA
MX record found: mx.jd.com (Priority 10)
Connecting to mx.jd.com
Connected to mx.jd.com
Dialog with mx.jd.com ok
220 Welcome to JD.com
HELO verifyemailaddress.org

荔枝 FM ,腾讯企业邮箱
MX record found: mxbiz1.qq.com (Priority 5)
MX record found: mxbiz2.qq.com (Priority 10)
Connecting to mxbiz1.qq.com
Connected to mxbiz1.qq.com
Dialog with mxbiz1.qq.com ok
220 bizmx9.qq.com MX QQ Mail Server
HELO verifyemailaddress.org
250 bizmx9.qq.com
MAIL FROM: <noreply@verifyemailaddress.org>
250 Ok
RCPT TO: <feedback@lizhi.fm>

美团, Postfix
MX record found: mx01.meituan.com (Priority 10)
MX record found: mx02.meituan.com (Priority 10)
MX record found: mail3.sankuai.info (Priority 20)
Connecting to mx01.meituan.com
Connected to mx01.meituan.com
Dialog with mx01.meituan.com ok
220 it-mx01.lf.sankuai.com ESMTP Postfix

优步, Google Apps
MX record found: aspmx.l.google.com (Priority 10)
MX record found: alt2.aspmx.l.google.com (Priority 20)
MX record found: alt1.aspmx.l.google.com (Priority 20)
MX record found: aspmx5.googlemail.com (Priority 30)
MX record found: aspmx4.googlemail.com (Priority 30)
MX record found: aspmx2.googlemail.com (Priority 30)
MX record found: aspmx3.googlemail.com (Priority 30)
Connecting to aspmx.l.google.com
Connected to aspmx.l.google.com
Dialog with aspmx.l.google.com ok
220 mx.google.com ESMTP b9si17685639wmf.44 - gsmtp
HELO verifyemailaddress.org
250 mx.google.com at your service
MAIL FROM: <noreply@verifyemailaddress.org>
250 2.1.0 OK b9si17685639wmf.44 - gsmtp
RCPT TO: <support@uber.com>

豆瓣,也是 Google Apps
MX record found: aspmx.l.google.com (Priority 10)
MX record found: alt2.aspmx.l.google.com (Priority 20)
MX record found: alt1.aspmx.l.google.com (Priority 20)
MX record found: aspmx3.googlemail.com (Priority 30)
MX record found: aspmx2.googlemail.com (Priority 30)
Connecting to aspmx.l.google.com
Connected to aspmx.l.google.com
Dialog with aspmx.l.google.com ok
220 mx.google.com ESMTP g66si17678822wmg.41 - gsmtp
HELO verifyemailaddress.org
250 mx.google.com at your service
MAIL FROM: <noreply@verifyemailaddress.org>
250 2.1.0 OK g66si17678822wmg.41 - gsmtp
RCPT TO: <support@douban.com>

MX record found: mxbiz1.qq.com (Priority 5)
MX record found: mxbiz2.qq.com (Priority 10)
Connecting to mxbiz1.qq.com
Connected to mxbiz1.qq.com
Dialog with mxbiz1.qq.com ok
220 bizmx4.qq.com MX QQ Mail Server
HELO verifyemailaddress.org
250 bizmx4.qq.com
MAIL FROM: <noreply@verifyemailaddress.org>
250 Ok
RCPT TO: <report@acfun.tv>

MX record found: mxbiz1.qq.com (Priority 5)
MX record found: mxbiz2.qq.com (Priority 10)
Connecting to mxbiz1.qq.com
Connected to mxbiz1.qq.com
Dialog with mxbiz1.qq.com ok
220 bizmx3.qq.com MX QQ Mail Server
HELO verifyemailaddress.org
250 bizmx3.qq.com
MAIL FROM: <noreply@verifyemailaddress.org>
250 Ok
RCPT TO: <copyright@bilibili.com>

Connecting to smtp.npc.gov.cn did not work
MX record found: smtp.npc.gov.cn (Priority 10)
Connecting to smtp.npc.gov.cn
Connected to smtp.npc.gov.cn
Dialog with smtp.npc.gov.cn failed
220 smtp ready
HELO verifyemailaddress.org
250 eyou.net HELO, pleased to meet verifyemailaddress.org

MX record found: mx.mail.gov.cn (Priority 10)
Connecting to mx.mail.gov.cn
Connected to mx.mail.gov.cn
Dialog with mx.mail.gov.cn ok
220 cs2c antispam server1.1
2015-12-13 19:43:13 +08:00
接以上,韵达快递,微软 Exchange Server
MX record found: mail.yundaex.com (Priority 10)
Connecting to mail.yundaex.com
Connected to mail.yundaex.com
Dialog with mail.yundaex.com ok
220 CASHUB01.yundasys.com Microsoft ESMTP MAIL Service ready at Sun, 13 Dec 2015 18:09:28 +0800

申通快递, Winmail
MX record found: mail.sto.cn (Priority 5)
Connecting to mail.sto.cn
Connected to mail.sto.cn
Dialog with mail.sto.cn failed
220 WINDOWS-K12NKJ5.sto.cn Winmail Mail Server ESMTP ready; Sun, 13 Dec 2015 18:16:40 +0800

六福珠宝, Postfix
MX record found: mail.lukfook.com.hk (Priority 20)
Connecting to mail.lukfook.com.hk
Connected to mail.lukfook.com.hk
Dialog with mail.lukfook.com.hk ok
220 mail.lukfook.com.hk ESMTP Postfix

MX record found: mxw.mxhichina.com (Priority 4)
MX record found: mxn.mxhichina.com (Priority 5)
Connecting to mxw.mxhichina.com
Connect to mxw.mxhichina.com failed
Connecting to mxn.mxhichina.com
Connected to mxn.mxhichina.com
Dialog with mxn.mxhichina.com ok
220 mx1.aliyun-inc.com MX AliMail Server(
HELO verifyemailaddress.org
250 Ok
MAIL FROM: <noreply@verifyemailaddress.org>
250 Mail Ok
RCPT TO: <webmaster@chinagoldgroup.com>

MX record found: mail.mps.gov.cn (Priority 10)
Connecting to mail.mps.gov.cn
Connected to mail.mps.gov.cn
Dialog with mail.mps.gov.cn ok
220 mps.gov.cn [18968] ESMTP eYou MTA v8.1.0; Sun, 13 Dec 2015 18:11:05 +0800

锤子科技, Office 365
MX record found: smartisan-com.mail.protection.outlook.com (Priority 1)
Connecting to smartisan-com.mail.protection.outlook.com
Connected to smartisan-com.mail.protection.outlook.com
Dialog with smartisan-com.mail.protection.outlook.com ok
220 HK2APC01FT022.mail.protection.outlook.com Microsoft ESMTP MAIL Service ready at Sun, 13 Dec 2015 11:11:39 +0000

电脑爱好者,看起来像是 IIS 的邮件服务
MX record found: mailx.cfan.com.cn (Priority 10)
Connecting to mailx.cfan.com.cn
Connected to mailx.cfan.com.cn
Dialog with mailx.cfan.com.cn ok
220 mailgateway.ccw.group Microsoft ESMTP MAIL Service, Version: 6.0.3790.4675 ready at Sun, 13 Dec 2015 19:23:30 +0800

MX record found: mxbiz1.qq.com (Priority 5)
MX record found: mxbiz2.qq.com (Priority 10)
Connecting to mxbiz1.qq.com
Connected to mxbiz1.qq.com
Dialog with mxbiz1.qq.com ok
220 bizmx3.qq.com MX QQ Mail Server
HELO verifyemailaddress.org
250 bizmx3.qq.com
MAIL FROM: <noreply@verifyemailaddress.org>
250 Ok
RCPT TO: <dzfw@lifeweek.com.cn>

最世文化 /文艺风象, QQ 域名邮箱(挺老的产品了,后被企业邮箱替代)
MX record found: mxdomain.qq.com (Priority 10)
Connecting to mxdomain.qq.com
Connected to mxdomain.qq.com
Dialog with mxdomain.qq.com ok
220 bizmx3.qq.com MX QQ Mail Server
HELO verifyemailaddress.org 250 bizmx3.qq.com
MAIL FROM: <noreply@verifyemailaddress.org>
250 Ok
RCPT TO: <fountword@zuibook.com>

漫友 /新蕾 Story101 (记得多年前喜欢漫画和小说的时候经常给他们投稿,现在,好像停刊了),中资源企业邮箱,基于 Postfix
MX record found: mxa158d.chinaemail.cn (Priority 5)
MX record found: mx158d.chinaemail.cn (Priority 10)
Connecting to mxa158d.chinaemail.cn
Connected to mxa158d.chinaemail.cn
Dialog with mxa158d.chinaemail.cn ok
220 mx100.chinaemail.cn ESMTP Postfix (2.4.1)
HELO verifyemailaddress.org
250 mx100.chinaemail.cn
MAIL FROM: <noreply@verifyemailaddress.org>
250 2.1.0 Ok
RCPT TO: <story101wen@comicfans.net>
2015-12-13 20:02:22 +08:00
@loveminds 查下 MX 记录就好不必非要折磨 verifyemailaddress 233
2015-12-13 20:18:28 +08:00
@RAKE 目测这网站要被玩坏😂
2015-12-15 15:55:44 +08:00
@RAKE MX 记录可回复不出来是趋势的网关还是麦咖啡的网关...或是 Exchange/Postfix

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