App Store Distribution: 最常用的, 需要Apple审核
Ad Hoc Distribution: 针对测试设备, 每个应用不能发不到超过100个设备上,发布前需要将每个设备的唯一编码打包进去
Custom B2B App Distribution: 针对企业用户批量购买,可以进行打折等,仅限美国用户
In-house Distribution: 针对企业内部用户发布的应用,需要企业开发者账号,然后通过itunes同步、iPhone配置工具、建立私有的应用安装网站等方式进行发布,不需要审核
如果我们需要针对不同的客户发布一些定制的应用,是否应该采用In-house Distribution的方式?但是从下面的支持文件看到,官方的意思是要客户去购买这个企业开发者认证,这样做是否有问题?
I am a contractor who wants to create an in-house app for my client. Can I join the iOS Developer Enterprise Program to do that?
No. The iOS Developer Enterprise Program is for companies/organizations to develop and distribute proprietary in-house apps to their employees.
Your client should enroll in the iOS Developer Enterprise Program and add the appropriate developers from your company to their iOS Development Team.
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