貌似现在是所有的发送邮箱服务器,gmail 全部要进行邮箱验证,验证不过就 spam 你,不知道为什么 apple,amazon,linkedin 发来的重要邮件也全部中招
没办法,只能一个个加规则,来自 amazon,apple,linkedin 的永远不要 spam
Why is this message in Spam? It has a from address in mc.mail.taobao.com but has failed mc.mail.taobao.com's required tests for authentication. Learn more
Why is this message in Spam? It has a from address in email.apple.com but has failed email.apple.com's required tests for authentication. Learn more
Why is this message in Spam? It has a from address in linkedin.com but has failed linkedin.com's required tests for authentication. Learn more
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