[.net 开发工程师]
- 负责企业的项目、产品的软件开发工作;
- 协助项目经理进行软件开发,配合其工作;
- 担当项目和产品项目开发的技术负责人或团队成员。
- 本科或以上,计算机技术或软件相关专业,英语良好,
一年以上.net 平台的开发经验;
精通微软.net 框架,对面向对象编程思想有深刻理解;
- 熟悉 C/S 和 B/S 应用程序系统,
ASP.NET MVC 等)开发技术;
- 熟练掌握多线程技术,熟练掌握 SQL Server 数据库;
- 有过文件系统开发经验的优先。
.net developer (Windows form/Windows phone)
Job Duties include but not limited to:
- Design, develop web-based applications and/or mobile app(iPhone/Android/Windows Phone) under instruction and desigh by software architect.
- Develop social media app like Facebook
- Create technical documentation such as design and specification documents, software architecture documents, and user instructions.
- Readily accept responsibility and demonstrate ability to work independently and in a team environment as judged by peers and management.
Development Skills
- BA / BS required (in Computer Science or IT related fields).
- 1+ years experience in hands-on software development.
- Proficiency in C#/.NET, including
ASP.NET and web services.
1 .社会保险、公积金(养老、综合医疗、工伤等国家规定项目);
2 .有薪年假 12 天,试用期通过后便可使用(国定节假日、年休假、婚假、生育假等有薪假期);
3 .特殊日期贺礼、慰问(节日、生日礼品等);
4 .外出旅游、文娱活动(团队文体活动、每月公司聚餐、免费零食);
5 .弹性制上班,一天 7.5 小时
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V2EX 是创意工作者们的社区,是一个分享自己正在做的有趣事物、交流想法,可以遇见新朋友甚至新机会的地方。
V2EX is a community of developers, designers and creative people.