The GNOME Foundation faced the same problem last year, they solved it by adding reCAPTCHA to GNU Mailman running on But, there are still many lists without any protection, e.g Fedora Project. I urge GNU Mailman developers/webmasters to add a rate limit for their subscriptions to a same email address.
2016-02-03 07:44:10 +08:00
这不是类似拒绝服务攻击吗 自建邮件服务器后写过滤规则 等楼下更好的方案
2016-02-03 08:19:35 +08:00
自建服务器然后过滤 IP 吧 如果有大量 IP 短时间内不停请求过来直接 ban 掉 等楼下更好方案