转发: 2016FALL,纽约大学 ECE,全额奖学金硕士( full tuition waive+$2000/m 生活费)

2016-02-03 18:58:40 +08:00
纽约大学工学院( http://engineering.nyu.edu)电子与计算机工程系(ECE Dept)招收若干全奖硕士生, Fall 2016 。免除全部学费并提供每月$2000 的生活费。此奖旨在吸引世界各国顶尖大学的优秀学生。第一次提交申请的截止期为 2016 年 2 月 15 日。补充材料的截止期为 2016 年 4 月 15 日。

New York University, Tandon School of Engineering ( http://engineering.nyu.edu) ECE Dept is recruiting a number of full scholarship master program students, Fall 2016. The scholarship includes full tuition waive and stipend of $2000/month. This award aims to attract top students from top universities worldwide.
The application deadline is Feb.15,2016. All additional application materials should be received by April 15, 2016.

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2016-02-03 20:17:59 +08:00
国内点名直接忘了 NYU Shanghai 233

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