
2012-01-13 16:36:30 +08:00
account-update@amazon.com 1月12日 (2 天前) 发送至 我
Dear x,
This is an important message from Amazon.com
As a precaution, we've reset your Amazon.com password because you may have been subject to a "phishing" scam.
Here's how phishing works:
A scam artist sends an e-mail, which is designed to look like it came from a reputable company such as a bank, financial institution, or retailer like Amazon.com, but is in fact a forgery. These e-mails direct you to a website that looks remarkably similar to the reputable company's website, where you are asked to provide account information such as your e-mail address and password. Since that web site is actually controlled by the phisher, they get the information you entered.
Go to amazon.com/phish to read more about ways to protect yourself from phishing.

account-update@amazon.cn 16:31 (4 分钟前) 发送至 我
亚马逊中国非常重视您的安全和隐私. 作为我们日常监测的一部分,我们发现了一些电子邮件地址和密码被张贴在公共网站上. 虽然该张贴名单与亚马逊无关,但是我们知道许多客户会在不同网站上使用相同的密码. 因此, 我们相信您的电子邮件地址和密码设置有可能被泄露在该列表中. 为了保护您和您的亚马逊中国帐户的安全和隐私,我们采取了预防措施并重新设置了您的帐户的密码. 请放心, 您的亚马逊中国帐户中的信息始终都是安全的. 对上述措施给您造成的任何不便,我们深表歉意.
请按照以下步骤, 重新设置您的帐户密码,以登录您的帐户:
登陆亚马逊中国网站www.amazon.cn , 点击右上角的“帮助”
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