zsh 的一个问题

2016-02-20 17:07:40 +08:00


1877 次点击
所在节点    程序员
4 条回复
2016-02-20 23:06:54 +08:00
2016-02-20 23:49:43 +08:00
@neoblackcap 我猜是如果是 root 用户的话就显示闪电的标志。。。
2016-02-21 00:10:15 +08:00
来自官方 Manual 的解释


Specifies a ternary expression. The character following the x is arbitrary; the same character is used to separate the text for the ‘ true ’ result from that for the ‘ false ’ result. This separator may not appear in the true-text, except as part of a %-escape sequence. A ‘)’ may appear in the false-text as ‘%)’. true-text and false-text may both contain arbitrarily-nested escape sequences, including further ternary expressions.

The left parenthesis may be preceded or followed by a positive integer n, which defaults to zero. A negative integer will be multiplied by -1, except as noted below for ‘ l ’. The test character x may be any of the following:

True if the shell is running with privileges.

意思就是说,如果是 root 就用黄色。
2016-02-21 00:21:22 +08:00
@wittyfox O(∩_∩)O 谢谢,可以结贴了

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