前两天注册的 cloud 域名,前天收到了侵权邮件,要怎么应对?要不要理会?还有救否?
It has come to our attention that you today registered a domain name (WOLFRAM.CLOUD) which contains a globally-protected trademark ownedby Wolfram Companies. Specifically, the word "WOLFRAM" is a registered trademark in, among other jurisdictions, the United States of America. See, for example,U.S. Reg. No. #3740375 and Community Trademark #006413397.
我们注意到您今天注册的域名 WOLFRAM.CLOUD 中含有在世界范围内受到保护 且归 Wolfram 公司所有的商标。特别是“ WOLFRAM ”为在美利坚合众国及其他司 法管辖区域的注册商标。请查看 U.S. Reg. No. #3740375 和共同体商标 #006413397 例。
The Wolfram Cloud (www.wolframcloud.com) is a popular internet destination, and the phrase "Wolfram Cloud" is a common law trademark in the United States.
Wolfram Cloud ( www.wolframcloud.com )为知名的互联网网站,并且, “ Wolfram Cloud ”词语受到美国普通商标法保护。
We are concerned that your registration is an improper and confusing use of our trademark and consequently, demand that you cease and desist from further registrations and/or unauthorized uses of Wolfram marks.
我们认为您所注册的内容是对我们的商标不适当的使用并造成了混淆,因此我们要 求您停止并放弃继续注册和 /或对 Wolfram 标识的未授权使用。
Further, we demand upon the immediate transfer of this domain name to Wolfram.
并且,我们要求您立即将该域名转交 Wolfram 公司。
In recognition of the fact that you may incur some costs related to the transfer, we are willing to offer to cover the reasonable out-of-pocket expenses you incur as a result of transferring the existing domain to Wolfram's control.
我们认可在转交过程中可能会产生相关费用,为此,我们愿意承担您将现有域名转 交 Wolfram 公司管理过程中所实际支付的合理费用。
In the event you are unwilling to transfer this domain to Wolfram, we will be forced to pursue an administrative remedy, such as Uniform Domain-Name Resolution Procedure. 如果您不愿将该域名转交 Wolfram 公司,我们将被迫寻求行政救济,例如通过统 一域名争议解决政策来解决争议。
Thank you for in advance for your understanding. We look forward to your prompt reply, and ask that you reply no later than Monday, February 22, 2016.
感谢您的理解和合作。我们期待您的即时反馈,并请您务必在 2016 年 2 月 22 日 星期一前回复。
Noah Tilton
Wolfram Research, Inc.
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