IntelliJ IDEA 16 Public Preview

2016-02-28 16:35:39 +08:00

偶然翻下 J 家 Blog 发现 16 都有消息了……

IntelliJ IDEA 16 Public Preview
IntelliJ IDEA 16 Public Preview | IntelliJ IDEA Blog


IntelliJ IDEA 16 continues to improve its Java debugger. Now it lets you use Groovy expressions in Evaluate and Watch windows when debugging Java applications. Debugging multiple threads and code without debug info is now simpler. The IDE will warn if you step over code that doesn ’ t match the running copy.

Code editor has been extended with a number of new features: now you can shift entire statements right or left,and have an easier way of importing static members. Also, the editor now supports RTL languages (e.g. Arabic or Hebrew.)

We ’ ve added many new code inspections, including those that help with migrating to Java 8 method references, lambda expressions, and the Optional type. The Inline and Change Signature refactorings have also been updated to correctly process such method references.

The IntelliJ IDEA project model is finally aligned with that of Gradle and supports custom source sets by resolving dependencies between individual ones. This improvement fixes a great number of issues that have been reported by our users.

VCS integration gets a couple of new actions and slightly updated UI for the Log viewer and the Diff viewer/Merge dialog. The integration with Git now supports Git worktrees.

If you ’ re working with Spring, you will be happy to know that we ’ ve added lots of coding assistance features for Spring Boot, Spring MVC, as well as have fixed many issues related to Spring Core.

The built-in coding assistance for Thymeleaf has been updated to v3, and large number of Thymeleaf 2 related issues has also been fixed.

Kotlin ’ s first big 1.0 release is now bundled with IntelliJ IDEA 16.

There ’ s something more for other JVM languages: we have significantly improved code completion for Scala.

IntelliJ IDEA 16 brings many improvements to JavaScript, ECMAScript 6 and TypeScript, and AngularJS: code completion, refactorings, better debugger, new inspections, etc.

The Docker plugin has been improved in many ways: we ’ ve reworked its UI and added support for Docker Machine.

IntelliJ IDEA 16 (and the entire IntelliJ platform) are migrating to Java 8. It means plugin developers can now use Java 8 features in their code.

Last, but not the least, we ’ ve backported new features from Android Studio 1.5

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2016-02-28 17:41:55 +08:00

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