[北京中关村] 招聘 iOS 高级开发工程师-海外游戏电竞 APP 团队

2016-03-01 10:30:12 +08:00
FunPlus ,趣加游戏,成立于 2010 年,是一家年轻而前景美妙的互联网游戏创业公司!我们希望一直保持创业的风格,坚持小而创新的团队理念,坚持开放和分享!
公司总部位于北京,在深圳、美国旧金山和加拿大温哥华都设有办公地点, 400 多名员工中 30-40%是外籍员工,来自 20 多个国家。
北京有 300 多人,主要的研发、美术、运营团队都在北京。
我们的产品主要针对海外市场,在 Facebook 平台的亚洲游戏开发商里社交游戏排名第一,全球排名第六位,在 Facebook 拥有超过 1500 万的月活跃用户(MAU),日活跃用户超过 600 万。

游戏类型:社交类、策略类、三消类…… 网页游戏和手机游戏都有。
APP 产品:社交类、电竞类......


国际化工作环境, 20 种语言“外教”免费任你挑,公司内部英语培训班,一起流利说英语

一年 12 个月基本薪水,五险一金,转正之后有商业保险 ,无限零食&咖啡,
奖金每年 2 次,每次 0-3 个月哦~ 转正之后也是每年两次调薪哦~

关于互联网,我们也有自己的互联网 APP 产品,我们的服务器使用 AWS, 在对游戏热情追逐的同时,我们希望对技术也是同样的追求。

欢迎点击公司主页 http://www.funplus.com/

我们的位置: 中关村融科资讯中心

4.欢迎砸简历: yan.liu@funplus.com
欢迎砸简历: yan.liu@funplus.com
欢迎砸简历: yan.liu@funplus.com

该职位主要需要 iOS 应用开发经验,不需要游戏开发经验哦 o(^▽^)o

IOS Engineer/Senior Engineer

We are looking for a senior iOS engineer for a new product and a new team. If you are passionate about building exceptionally fun and beautiful products for hundreds of millions of customers, enjoy challenges in a fast paced environment, feels strong commitment to engineering excellence, and willing to take responsibility and accountability for a product line - please come talk to us.This senior iOS engineer is based in our Beijing headquarter. Good English skill is preferred.

Responsibilities :
1. Work with a small team of UE/UI designers, product, and engineers, and be responsible and accountable for our iOS product
2. Build fun and beautiful iOS product for international users: fast, responsive, engaging, visually appealing, and fun to use
Qualifications :
1. Strong expertise in iOS and Objective-C development; expertise in design, development, testing of iOS applications used by millions of users
2. Prior projects demonstrate engineering and product sense
3. Able to work as a generalist and jump into backend code with no fear; ability to work in areas outside of their usual comfort zone and get things done quickly
4. Demonstrated performance in fast paced environment and under pressure
5. Passionate about learning new technologies and tools

至少 3 年以上开发经验,熟悉 iOS 开发, 5 年以上开发经验优先
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