[ 乐视控股] 集团用户运营部门产品经理/高级产品经理招聘 [ 股票期权] [ 14 薪] [ 全球业务]

2016-03-02 17:27:33 +08:00
2016 是乐视全球元年,期待对全球产品有能力、感兴趣的你加盟!

简历请发送至: wuguangxin@le.com

Job Title: Product Manager (User-orientated)
Job Location: Beijing (China)\ Hong Kong\ USA\ India


Job Responsibilities
Responsible for planning, implementing and optimizing of all Letv ’ s overseas platform products (including account system and user personal center).
Follow up trends of overseas products related to local industries; track competitors ’ updates; and conduct market research and analysis for competitive products.

1 )本科及以上学历
2 ) 2 年以上互联网产品策划经验,有过用户平台产品(帐号体系、个人中心)经验优先;
3 )熟悉各种用研方法,良好的产品和数据分析能力;
4 )良好的逻辑思维能力、沟通能力和表达能力;
5 )能熟练使用 Axure ;
6 )有海外学习 /工作背景优先。
Job Requirements:
1 ) Bachelor degree or above.
2 ) Minimum 2 years solid experience in Internet product planning, working experience in user platform products (including account system and user personal center) is preferred.
3 ) Good command of products and data analyzing skills, familiar with all user research methods.
4 ) Good command of logical thinking, communication and expression skills.
5 ) Able to skillfully use Axure.
6 ) Candidates with overseas studying/working experience are preferred.
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