Opcache 和 APCu 的兼容问题

2016-03-10 15:36:33 +08:00

貌似 php 安装多个功能重复的 opcode 拓展会有一定负面影响。

APCu 有也是有字节码缓存的,是不是就要停用 Opcache 了?

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2016-03-10 17:29:44 +08:00
drupal 的一个插件是这样说的 https://www.drupal.org/project/xautoload

Optionally, enable APC and other cache options on admin/config/development/performance. The more checkboxes, the better!

而这里的 checkboxes ,包括:
Self-updating APCu classmap (*) (Not currently available)
APC (Running and available)
APCu (Not currently available)
WinCache (Not currently available)
XCache (Not currently available)
Self-updating database classmap (*) (Running and available)

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