ConsScale 的意识分级( ConsScale Levels of Consciousness)

2016-03-22 18:37:03 +08:00
其实,我想把这篇放到机器人或人工智能之类的节点 -_-|||
"title": "ConsScale 的意识分级( ConsScale Levels of Consciousness )",
"description": "",
"url": "",
"reference": [
"computeModel": "",
"project": "",
"config": {
"animalExample": "动物例子",
"cls": "Cumulative Level Score",
"clsRange": "CLS 的值域",
"computeModel": "计算模型",
"cqs": "ConsScale Quantitative Score",
"cqsRange": "CQS 的值域",
"equivalentToHumanAge": "相当于人类年龄",
"machineExample": "机器例子"
"clsRange": {
"min": 0,
"max": 1.55
"cqsRange": {
"min": 0,
"max": 1000
"items": [
"id": -1,
"name": {
"en": "Disembodied",
"zh-cn": "无实体"
"description": "混合在自然环境中",
"equivalentToHumanAge": null,
"animalExample": "分子",
"machineExample": null,
"cls": 0,
"cqs": 0
"id": 0,
"name": {
"en": "Isolated",
"zh-cn": "孤立体"
"description": "没有实际功能的主体",
"equivalentToHumanAge": null,
"animalExample": "惰性染色体",
"machineExample": "填充玩具动物",
"cls": 0,
"cqs": 0
"id": 1,
"name": {
"en": "Decontrolled",
"zh-cn": "自由体"
"description": "有感应器官和制动器,但不活跃",
"equivalentToHumanAge": null,
"animalExample": "尸体",
"machineExample": "关机的计算机",
"cls": 0,
"cqs": 0
"id": 2,
"name": {
"en": "Reactive",
"zh-cn": "活性体"
"description": "有固定的反应",
"equivalentToHumanAge": "一个月的胎儿",
"animalExample": "病毒",
"machineExample": "ELIZA 程序",
"cls": 1,
"cqs": 0.18
"id": 3,
"name": {
"en": "Adaptive",
"zh-cn": "适应个体"
"description": "学习新的反应",
"equivalentToHumanAge": "1-4 个月的胎儿",
"animalExample": "蚯蚓",
"machineExample": "智能自动调温器",
"cls": 1.25,
"cqs": 2.22
"id": 4,
"name": {
"en": "Attentional",
"zh-cn": "有注意力的个体"
"description": "有选择性的重点,通过尝试失败来学习,拥有积极或消极的原始情感",
"equivalentToHumanAge": "4 – 8 个月的胎儿",
"animalExample": "鱼",
"machineExample": "CRONOS 机器人",
"cls": 1.3611,
"cqs": 12.21
"id": 5,
"name": {
"en": "Executive",
"zh-cn": "执行体"
"description": "选择目标并努力实现,能够评估自身条件",
"equivalentToHumanAge": "8 – 12 个月",
"animalExample": "章鱼",
"machineExample": "Cog",
"cls": 1.4236,
"cqs": 41.23
"id": 6,
"name": {
"en": "Emotional",
"zh-cn": "有情感个体"
"description": "有各种情感,身体架构和极少的心智",
"equivalentToHumanAge": "12 – 18 个月",
"animalExample": "猴子",
"machineExample": "Haikonen 体系结构(部分由 XCR-1 机器人实现)",
"cls": 1.4636,
"cqs": 101.08
"id": 7,
"name": {
"en": "Self-Conscious",
"zh-cn": "有自我意识"
"description": "有高级思想能通过镜子测试",
"equivalentToHumanAge": "18 – 24 个月",
"animalExample": "喜鹊",
"machineExample": "Nexus-6 (安卓梦想的电子羊)",
"cls": 1.4914,
"cqs": 200.03
"id": 8,
"name": {
"en": "Empathic",
"zh-cn": "有同感的个体"
"description": "能对别人感同身受并且能调节自我展示的样子",
"equivalentToHumanAge": "2 – 7 岁",
"animalExample": "黑猩猩",
"machineExample": "HAL 9000 (2001)",
"cls": 1.5118,
"cqs": 341.45
"id": 9,
"name": {
"en": "Social",
"zh-cn": "社会体"
"description": "有完整的心智,能说话并且会撒谎",
"equivalentToHumanAge": "7 – 11 岁",
"animalExample": "人类",
"machineExample": "Ava (电影机械姬中的)",
"cls": 1.5274,
"cqs": 524.54
"id": 10,
"name": {
"en": "Human-Like",
"zh-cn": "类人的"
"description": "通过图灵测试并且能创造积累文化",
"equivalentToHumanAge": "超过 12 岁",
"animalExample": "人类",
"machineExample": "Six (电影银河战星中的)",
"cls": 1.5398,
"cqs": 745.74
"id": 11,
"name": {
"en": "Super-Conscious",
"zh-cn": "超意识"
"description": "协调多意识流",
"equivalentToHumanAge": "更智慧的人类",
"animalExample": "Bene Gesserit (电影沙丘中的)",
"machineExample": "Samantha (电影 Her 中的)",
"cls": 1.5498,
"cqs": 1000
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