Firefox 47 将要停止支持基于 FUEL 的扩展

2016-03-23 19:46:59 +08:00

Firefox 47a2 的更新记录上有句说明:

“ FUEL (Firefox User Extension Library) has been removed, add-ons relying on it will stop working, use add-on SDK instead.“

如果有 V 友还在开发这样的扩展,建议尽快移植到 add-on SDK 上面。

2531 次点击
所在节点    Firefox
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2016-03-23 20:11:46 +08:00
MDN 关于这个版本的更新记录上也有这样的说明:

The FUEL JavaScript library, introduced back in Firefox 3, has been removed. This library was designed to aid in add-on development and with the introduction of the Add-on SDK and, now, by WebExtensions support, is no longer useful. See bug 1090880 for details.


MDN 的更新记录全文:
Bugzilla :

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