It ’ s an app written in HTML, CSS, and JS that can completely masquerade as a native app.
This includes:
Living on the home screen
Existing in the Android “ app switcher ” as a separate app (not as part of the browser app).
True offline behavior … meaning when you tap the app icon … it will open regardless of current Internet status.
The ability to run in the background and triggering OS-level notifications, even when the app and browser is closed.
这几点,很早之前我也幻想过,也许未来某一天, iOS 或 Android 会这样。
这会不会是代表了广大码农的利益、代表了不爽”下载安装 app “人民的利益?
2016-03-24 09:27:57 +08:00
无疑,不管是原生还是 web,肯定都会有市场的,只不过 web 会逐渐蚕食原生的市场份额,聪明的安卓和 iOS 开发者应该要认清趋势,反正不管怎样,学好 js 总不会有错的,要不然原生应用需求下降之时,很有可能就是你失业之日,做人别太保守
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V2EX is a community of developers, designers and creative people.