微软的坚持( Bing 搜索)

2016-03-24 10:29:49 +08:00


Bing 在 2009 年 6 月 上线

新闻一( 2013 ):

Microsoft ’ s Online Services Division, which incorporates Bing, MSN and other web properties, has lost a whopping $10.9 billion since 2005.[1]

新闻二( 2015 ):

Bing last month powered more than 30% of all searches performed on desktop computers in the U.S.[2]

[1] http://bgr.com/2013/07/09/microsoft-online-services-division-losses/ [2] http://bgr.com/2015/04/16/bing-vs-google-vs-yahoo-market-share/

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