Bitvise SSH Client 完全免费了

2016-04-06 17:05:19 +08:00
Changes in Bitvise SSH Client 6.47: [ 5 April 2016 ]

Bitvise SSH Client can now be used free of charge in all environments. There are no limits on free use in enterprises, businesses, or governments.
Fixed an issue which could cause the SSH Client to crash under rare conditions.
Fixed a small memory leak which could become visible after long periods of use, e.g. if an SSH session remained active for several months.
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2 条回复
2016-04-06 17:07:24 +08:00
本来也是 个人使用免费
2016-04-06 23:46:40 +08:00
表示 xshell 學生版用了三四年了

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