这两天我的 github 的 contributions 突然变白了,我正纳闷呢,这两天提交代码了啊,后来一看 github help ,原来提交到 master 分支上的 commit 才算 contributions ,有种被伤害了的感觉!
Commits will appear on your contributions graph if they meet all of the following conditions:
The commits were made within the past year.
The email address used for the commits is associated with your GitHub account.
The commits were made in a standalone repository, not a fork.
The commits were made:
# 就是这里说的,必须要提交到默认分支上,或者 github page 分支上
In the repository's default branch (usually master)
In the gh-pages branch (for repositories with Project Pages sites)
In addition, at least one of the following must be true:
You are a collaborator on the repository or are a member of the organization that owns the repository.
You have forked the repository.
You have opened a pull request or issue in the repository.
You have starred the repository.
虽说刷这玩意不一定有啥用吧,但是看到阮一峰老师 github 的 contributions graph 满满的,心里还是怪羡慕的!
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