学校给了一个奇葩的项目,内容如下, One of the great features of ffmpeg filtering library is the ability to create overlays, allowing users to put one video over another. We can also use this feature to implement the mosaic video output, usually used in security surveillance systems. We would like to enable the use of a set of Raspberry PI to create a sceanrio in which we could create overlays and stream in real time a set of videos using a cluster of raspberry PI.
The goal will be to investigate if we could benefits from a cluster to improve the separation of concerns between several tasks that can be the videos encodings, videos overlays, videos streaming …
A validation scenarios can be a low cost product to create MOOC devices for teacher. Each teacher could install a set of raspberry PI in the room and stream the content of its laptop and the different stream to autonamatically generate a new videos stream. In this project, we can consider the use of a janus WebRTC Gateway to stream the resulting stream on the web.
设备已经拿回来了,现在是 10 个人的小团队了。 个人对架构的理解,不知道大家有什么好的建议。 语言我想用 Node.js 来做,他们提议界面用 angular JS.有做过的大神求科普。
CAM1 ---- Raspeberry1----> vm1(VPS 存数据)
CAM2 ---- Raspeberry2 ----> vm2 --->Nginx --> Clients
CAM3 ---- Raspeberry3 ----> vm3
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