JSConf China 2016 in 南京 (NingJS 2016) is coming! 我们正在寻找场地,讲师,赞助商和摄影团队!

2016-04-21 11:37:51 +08:00

JSConf is a two-day developer-driven non-profit event focused on JavaScript and Node.js technologies. We bring together notable figures from both the Chinese and international JavaScript communities to share their knowledge and passion for JavaScript. Here is the program for the past years 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015. You can check out the videos from 2015 JSConf China in Shenzhen on YouTube and Tudou. This year we will hold the JSConf China in Nanjing on September 3rd-4th, 2016.

Official Website

Join us on Github: https://github.com/jsconfcn/NingJS

Find us on Weibo & Twitter

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2 条回复
2016-04-21 13:17:37 +08:00
九月份... 开学了啊呜呜
2016-04-21 13:19:29 +08:00
哇塞 支持支持。

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