解决办法是给他们发 ticker 其实邮件里暗示了 你不发 ticket 就过期了
昨天给他们发个 ticket 重新给我打了一次余额 原来的 51 还是会过期,新打的有效期是 12 个月
There has been a response to your ticket:
Thank you for getting in contact with us via this ticket!
We can certainly understand your concern on this matter. We are beginning to enforce the expiration of credits. This would mean that credits on the account (not related to payments from PayPal) would expire after a year's time.
As a one-time courtesy we are going to go ahead and re-apply the full value of the credits that are set to expire on the account. Please do understand this is a courtesy, and not something we will be able to do in the future. Moving forward, any unused balance from account credits will expire and be removed from your account 12 months after the credit is redeemed.
Please let us know if you have any further questions, or if we can provide you with any other assistance.
DigitalOcean Platform Support
Hi there,
You ’ ve been granted credit to use on your DigitalOcean account for $33.79. We ’ ve updated your balance, which you can view at
https://www.digitalocean.com/billing. Please note that this credit will expire after 12 months if it's not used.
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Team DigitalOcean