前两天更新了下 YCM, 重新编译 ./install.py --tern-completer
, 然后 js 补全就出问题了
看了下 YcmDebugInfo:
Tern server is not running(crashed)
2016-05-06 00:18:31,216 - INFO - Received health request
2016-05-06 00:18:31,224 - INFO - Received debug info request
2016-05-06 00:19:23,704 - INFO - Received event notification
2016-05-06 00:19:23,717 - INFO - Received event notification
2016-05-06 00:19:23,718 - INFO - Adding buffer identifiers for file: /home/jian/0x00/kanban-app/webpack.config.js
2016-05-06 00:19:23,724 - INFO - Received event notification
2016-05-06 00:19:23,732 - INFO - Received event notification
2016-05-06 00:19:23,742 - INFO - Received event notification
2016-05-06 00:19:23,743 - INFO - Adding buffer identifiers for file: /home/jian/0x00/kanban-app/webpack.config.js
2016-05-06 00:19:23,791 - INFO - Using node binary from: /usr/bin/node
2016-05-06 00:19:23,791 - INFO - Starting Tern.js server...
2016-05-06 00:19:23,795 - INFO - Tern.js Server started with pid: 18781 listening on port 54985
2016-05-06 00:19:23,795 - INFO - Tern.js Server log files are: /tmp/ycm_temp/tern_54985_stdout.log and /tmp/ycm_temp/tern_54985_stderr.log
2016-05-06 00:19:23,796 - INFO - Detected .tern-project file at: /home/jian/.tern-config
2016-05-06 00:19:23,803 - INFO - Starting new HTTP connection (1):
2016-05-06 00:19:23,810 - INFO - Starting new HTTP connection (1):
2016-05-06 00:19:29,631 - INFO - Received debug info request
2016-05-06 00:19:50,054 - INFO - Received filetype completion available request
2016-05-06 00:20:08,442 - INFO - Received debug info request
2016-05-06 00:20:40,026 - INFO - Received completion request
2016-05-06 00:20:40,113 - INFO - Received completion request
2016-05-06 00:20:40,335 - INFO - Received completion request
2016-05-06 00:20:40,416 - INFO - Received completion request
2016-05-06 00:20:41,045 - INFO - Received event notification
2016-05-06 00:20:41,046 - INFO - Adding ONE buffer identifier for file: /home/jian/0x00/kanban-app/webpack.config.js
2016-05-06 00:20:41,055 - INFO - Received completion request
2016-05-06 00:20:41,057 - ERROR - Exception from semantic completer (using general): Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/jian/.vim/bundle/YouCompleteMe/third_party/ycmd/ycmd/../ycmd/handlers.py", line 99, in GetCompletions
.ComputeCandidates( request_data ) )
File "/home/jian/.vim/bundle/YouCompleteMe/third_party/ycmd/ycmd/../ycmd/completers/completer.py", line 218, in ComputeCandidates
candidates = self._GetCandidatesFromSubclass( request_data )
File "/home/jian/.vim/bundle/YouCompleteMe/third_party/ycmd/ycmd/../ycmd/completers/completer.py", line 234, in _GetCandidatesFromSubclass
raw_completions = self.ComputeCandidatesInner( request_data )
File "/home/jian/.vim/bundle/YouCompleteMe/third_party/ycmd/ycmd/../ycmd/completers/javascript/tern_completer.py", line 181, in ComputeCandidatesInner
request_data ).get( 'completions', [] )
File "/home/jian/.vim/bundle/YouCompleteMe/third_party/ycmd/ycmd/../ycmd/completers/javascript/tern_completer.py", line 357, in _GetResponse
return self._PostRequest( { 'query': full_query }, request_data )
File "/home/jian/.vim/bundle/YouCompleteMe/third_party/ycmd/ycmd/../ycmd/completers/javascript/tern_completer.py", line 303, in _PostRequest
raise ValueError( 'Not connected to server' )
ValueError: Not connected to server
2016-05-06 00:20:41,933 - INFO - Received event notification
2016-05-06 00:20:41,933 - INFO - Adding buffer identifiers for file: /home/jian/0x00/kanban-app/webpack.config.js
2016-05-06 00:20:41,940 - INFO - Received event notification
2016-05-06 00:20:42,258 - INFO - Received event notification
2016-05-06 00:20:42,258 - INFO - Adding buffer identifiers for file: /home/jian/0x00/kanban-app/webpack.config.js
2016-05-06 00:20:55,703 - INFO - Received debug info request
有什么好的建议吗? 谢谢.
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