App Engine Mail API 收紧了,大家都 billing 了没

2016-05-11 14:53:44 +08:00
ddqp  ddqp

大家都 enable billing 了没,有什么风险吗?

Dear App Engine Developer, On July 13, 2016, the App Engine Mail API message quota will change from 100 messages sent per day to 10 messages sent per day for customers who don ’ t have billing enabled in their account. To maintain your current level of service, please enable billing. Email fraud and abuse are industry-wide issues. Domains that experience abuse risk having outbound emails bounced, flagged as spam, or otherwise go undelivered. To safeguard the GCP domain, we ’ re making the following changes: • The quota for customers with billing enabled will remain at 100 messages sent per day. • The quota for customers who do not have billing enabled will change from 100 messages sent per day to 10 messages sent per day. • Once billing is enabled, be sure to set your spending limit to $0 to remain within the free tier of App Engine. (Note: This spending limit will only apply to App Engine expenses. If you use other GCP resources, you can set billing alerts to keep track of your costs.) To send more than 100 messages per day, you will need to use a third-party provider such as SendGrid (Python, Java, Go) or Mailgun (Python, Java, Go). If you have any questions or concerns, please use this form to contact us. ENABLE BILLING See you in the cloud, The Google Cloud Platform Team

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所在节点   Google  Google
2 条回复
2016-05-11 17:17:09 +08:00
2016-05-14 22:01:18 +08:00
不用它的 mail

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