我还在用 centos 5.8,新的 7 都出来了 那 5.X 还安全吗

2016-05-26 16:17:12 +08:00

我准备永远用下去了 麻烦升级

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2016-05-26 16:31:42 +08:00
现在 RHEL5 系列最新的版本是 5.11 啊, yum -y update 升级一下就好。
安全性肯定是有保障的,现在 5 系列还没有 EOL 。
为了将来考虑,建议学习 7 系列一些新增的东西,鸟哥的教程现在已经匹配 7 系列了。
2016-05-26 16:42:33 +08:00
8. How long will CentOS 5 be supported?

We intend to support CentOS 5 until Mar 31st, 2017 The current plan is this:

Full Updates (including hardware updates): Currently to Q4, 2012
Updates ( including minor hardware updates): Up to Q1 of 2014
Maintenance Updates Q1, 2011 - Mar 31st, 2017

Full Updates
During the Full Updates phase, new hardware support will be provided at the discretion of CentOS via Update Sets. Additionally, all available and qualified errata will be provided via Update Sets (or individually {and immediately} for Security level errata.) Update Sets normally will be released 2-4 times per year, with new ISOs released as part of each Update Set. In the 5.x numbering scheme, the .x is the number of the Update Set.

Maintenance Updates
During the Maintenance updates phase, only Security errata and select mission critical bug fixes will be released. There will be few, if any, Update Sets released.
2016-05-26 17:22:38 +08:00
据说腾讯部分旧的服务器还有 centos4 的
2016-05-26 19:24:15 +08:00
看情况,老项目还在用 oracle10g 的,只有 centos5 比较好弄。
2016-05-26 19:31:49 +08:00
明年上半年 centos5 就停止技术支持了。。。赶快升级到 6 吧

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