
2016-05-28 08:19:41 +08:00

域名 http://i.xxika.com/ 小弟域名需要备案 0.0 哪位大哥带备一下?(鄙人未满 18 湖南地区无法备案.....

4975 次点击
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42 条回复
2016-05-31 08:18:38 +08:00
@RomS 我也使用第三方模板做站 谷歌提示有异常出站连接 多数就是模板的 header footer 和引入的 js 文件有恶意代码 建议在 head 标签前检查下
2018-09-02 15:28:26 +08:00
我 Firefox 无法访问。。。


Hmm. We ’ re having trouble finding that site.

We can ’ t connect to the server at i.xxika.com.

If that address is correct, here are three other things you can try:

Try again later.
Check your network connection.
If you are connected but behind a firewall, check that Nightly has permission to access the Web.

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