免费一年的 SitePoint Premium

2016-05-29 16:40:12 +08:00
How to get your free year of SitePoint Premium:(如何获得)

1. Click here ( http://go.sitepoint.com/t/y-l-dhutuut-julukjokd-r/ ) to create your free Confluence account. Click the green 'try it free' button on that page to get started. (创建一个免费 Confluence 账号)
2. On the following page, select the product stack you'd like to trial, and hit the 'try it free' button.
3. Enter your account details, and be sure to use your work email. Confluence is a product you should experience as a team.
4. Check your inbox for a 'verify your email address' email from Atlassian. Click the 'verify your email address' button inside.(通过来自 Atlassian 的邮件验证邮箱)
5. Wait for your site to be set up on that page. (一些信息设置)
6. Check your email for one final email titled, 'Your Atlassian Cloud site is ready'. (←找到标题为这个的邮件)
7. Forward that email to us at 'confluence@sitepoint.com'. (←转发上述邮件到此邮箱)

之后会收到一个邮件,里面有一个类似 https://www.sitepoint.com/premium/voucher/ooxx 的链接,打开依提示操作即可。
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8 条回复
2016-05-29 16:42:35 +08:00
之前用 codeschool 的 redeem code 兑换了十多年的会员资格,到 2030 年……
2016-05-29 19:11:44 +08:00
@scriptfans 什么时候的事?
2016-05-29 21:50:17 +08:00
@kaichen 很多年以前啦,当时手里很多 code ,都充进去了……
2016-05-30 07:11:15 +08:00
@scriptfans 不知道能不能共享 codeschool 帐号,或者出手?可否详谈? jagger.kyne[at]gmail.com
2016-05-30 19:17:38 +08:00
@scriptfans 同求 codeschool 共用帐号。。
2016-05-30 19:38:07 +08:00
2016-05-30 22:43:00 +08:00
@blanu 已经收到回复,谢谢楼主
2016-05-30 23:25:03 +08:00
同求 codeschool 共学

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