ngrok goes global! Multiregion service in US, Europe, Australia, Asia

2016-06-03 14:02:01 +08:00
I'm proud to announce that after a successful beta, ngrok has launched global,
multiregion service to general availability!

ngrok is used internationally by a community of over 100,000 developers all
around the world, but until recently the infrastructure was located exclusively
in the United States. This resulted in slow or unusable experiences for many
users because network traffic had to cross an ocean (sometimes twice!).
That is no longer the case.

ngrok now runs highly-available points of presence in four different regions
across the globe so that your traffic will be fast no matter where you are in
the world. Each region is isolated and designed to fail independently of the
others, further improving the resiliency of applications you run on the
ngrok service. The supported regions are:

- United States (us)
- Europe (eu)
- Asia Pacific (ap)
- Australia (au)

You can run ngrok tunnels in another region with the `-region` flag:

ngrok http -region=eu 80

You must run the latest version of the ngrok client (2.0.25+) for multiregion
service. If you have an older version, simply run `ngrok update`. For
compatibility reasons, if you do not select a region, ngrok will default to
the United States region.

- ngrok global launch announcement
- ngrok global documentation

There are many more exciting improvements in the pipeline for ngrok this
year, stay tuned! If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or just
want to say hi, please don't hesitate to get in touch (just reply to this email).
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2 条回复
2016-06-03 14:18:38 +08:00
设置 region=ap ,走 AWS EC2 在新加坡的数据中心
2016-06-03 14:22:38 +08:00
貌似电信到 EC2 新加坡绕美国

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