go2shell 在 iTerm2 v3 失灵了

2016-06-16 16:24:12 +08:00

iTerm2 在升级的 v3 版以后 go2shell 失灵了,大家遇到了吗?

2581 次点击
所在节点    Apple
4 条回复
2016-06-16 16:56:35 +08:00
2016-06-16 16:58:02 +08:00
workflow 那个是失灵了
2016-06-17 17:18:52 +08:00
果断换回 2.1.4 了
2016-06-17 17:59:11 +08:00

tell application "Finder"
set pathList to (quoted form of POSIX path of (folder of the front window as alias))
set command to "clear; cd " & pathList
end tell

tell application "System Events"
-- some versions might identify as "iTerm2" instead of "iTerm"
set isRunning to (exists (processes where name is "iTerm")) or (exists (processes where name is "iTerm2"))
end tell

tell application "iTerm"
set hasNoWindows to ((count of windows) is 0)
if isRunning and hasNoWindows then
create window with default profile
end if
select first window

tell the first window
if isRunning and hasNoWindows is false then
create tab with default profile
end if

tell current session to write text command
end tell
end tell


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