@iOran 静态库应该都可以,我是这么理解的;查看 bilibili 的 iOS 客户端开源许可,其修改(衍生?)了 FFmpeg 源码后开源了修改(衍生)部分,但主程序依旧遵循 LGPL 协议。 我在 stackoverflow 上找到这样一条答案,这是一个特例,不会也许对你有帮助: “ The interaction between the LGPL and Apple's app store is a disputed issue. The only way to get advice you can rely on is to ask a lawyer. I believe that you have two choices -- you can either open source your entire application or you can make available all the object code (.o and .a files) needed to re-link your application.” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8501685/ios-app-and-lgpl-issue