看 V 友比较推荐 Vultr ,就参加了之前的新用户送了 50$活动,用了段时间,觉得还不错,现在已经充钱了,遇到今天的问题后,怕以后用的时间长了, VPS 上的数据多了出现这样的问题就麻烦了。
目前就搭建了 SS 用着,其实没弄啥。出问题后,发现之前已经发邮件了,但一直没注意邮件。现在买的两个 VPS 中,其中一个在之前给我暂停了。工单在下面,知道的 V 友指点下。
We have suspended your VPS due to information we have received indicating that your account is in violation of our Terms of Service/Acceptable Use Policies, the full text of which is available online at the following URLs for your convenience:
https://www.vultr.com/legal/tos.phpAUP -
https://www.vultr.com/legal/use_policy.phpSPAM -
https://www.vultr.com/legal/antispam_policy.phpPlease respond as soon as possible with as much detail as you can provide regarding the activity in question and what you intend to do to ensure it does not occur in the future. If the VPS in question is compromised, you may launch a new one at any time.
Instance destruction may occur if we have not heard from you within the next 18 hours.
Thank you for your cooperation.
-- Complaint Response Team --
Abuse System 2016-06-29 22:02:04 We have yet to receive a response from you regarding this abuse complaint. This is the third notice regarding this abuse report.
If we do not receive a response within the next 40 hours, the affected server will be suspended.
We have not received a response from you regarding this abuse complaint. This is the second notice regarding this abuse report.
Please resolve this matter and reply as soon as possible in order to prevent service disruption; failure to reply or resolve complaints in a timely fashion may result in service suspension.
We have powered down your cloud server due to outbound traffic patterns fitting the profile of a DoS-style attack. You may restore power any time via
https://my.vultr.com to troubleshoot, repair, replace or destroy as necessary.
If you believe your instance has been compromised, we recommend a fresh instance reinstall. If you restore power and fail to address the activity in question in a timely manner and/or if the situation in question resumes/worsens, we will have no choice but to escalate our response, including but not limited to suspension or powering down of the instance, suspending the entire account or account closure for repeat ToS violations.
Thank you for your cooperation!
-- Complaint Response Team --
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